A Prayer for You

Here’s a little prayer for you to keep you encouraged:

Thank You, Yahweh, for Your wisdom and guidance. You truly are the only living God. You are just and merciful. You designed us in our mother’s wombs. You’ve called us from the beginning of time to do Your will and walk in Your way. You’ve told us to walk forth in expectation, to not be afraid of what You have given us, to expect restoration. Without faith, it is impossible to please You. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. We are not fighting against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places. The weapons of our warfare are not human. We gain our strength through Elohim-the creator, Abba Father, Yahweh our God.  We desire a close personal relationship with You, Yahweh, the creator, the Awesome One. The One who gave us Jesus, the One who gave us the truth.Thank You, Father, for our different journeys that all lead to You. Thank You, Father, that although some may grow faster than others, we all are on the road that leads to You. Thank You for ordering our steps on this day. Thank You that we don’t have to worry about tomorrow. You are the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father except by You, Jesus. Make Your will the desires of our heart. When we are in You and obedient to Your word, then our desires will have no choice but to line up with Your will. Thank You for our spouses, Father. Help us to not disqualify anyone based on the questions they ask, but only on the fruit, they produce. You have raised a generation of men and women that are holy and know what to look for in a spouse. Let neither party be disqualified based on our own expectations.

Help us to not lean unto our own understanding, but acknowledge You in all our ways so that You will make our paths straight. Father, we are all growing to know You better day by day. None of our walks are the same. As long as You’re the head then we will be satisfied. Help us as single Christians to be virtuous and discerning. Help us to not be a counterfeit ourselves. Let us seek a genuine connection with You so that we won’t be led astray. Your children know Your voice. Let us become so acquainted with You that no counterfeit will stand a chance. Let us wait on the Lord so He can renew our strength that we may mount up with wings like eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not faint. Let us not faint for we shall reap the good we sow if we keep walking. Help us to walk into our healing, our ministries, our true selves as You called and chose us to be. For many are called, but few are chosen. We are the chosen few. We are Your children first and foremost. Let no man or thing replace You in our hearts. Continue to be the lamp unto our feet and light on our paths. We pray for Your divine guidance. This is the year to celebrate our Lord. Let us praise Him in advance. Yahweh is our source, our provider, our healer. Let us call upon His name in the time of trouble and in time of great joy. For this is a time of great joy. We walk in expectation of the natural manifestation of completed spiritual tasks. Yahweh, deliver our angels from any trap set by the enemy. We pray Your divine protection over the angels sent to guard and protect us. We pray for Your mercy and strength over the angels sent to deliver our prayers. We pray down all tactics of the enemy. We pray against every tactic designed to hinder our prayers and we declare God’s victory. We pray for the spirit of strength, confidence, peace, and comfort. The enemy shall not prevail. He has already lost, for we are more than conquerors! We don’t even have to fight! God fights on our behalf. As done in heaven, let God’s will be done on earth.

In Jesus’ name, 


Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.


Isaiah 40:31(ESV)

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

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